52 Weeks to Elevate Your Vitality
ELE[V]ATE your movement
ELE[V]ATE your nutrition
ELE[V]ATE your sleep
ELE[V]ATE your mindset
ELE[V]ATE your health and wellness
ELE[V]ATE your pursuit to reach the ideal version of yourself!!!
You were not born to be average or ordinary – you were born to thrive!
This year I want you to go into a dynamic contract with yourself to work on how you think and how you act. I want to help you on this journey of developing INTENTIONAL THOUGHTS and FOCUSED ACTIONS. Use the next 52 Sundays to ELE[V]ATE YOU. I’ll provide the topics, the inspiration, the opportunities, the challenges, the system ideas, the motivation… you show up and do the rest!
WEEK 1: Find Your Stability
In order to find stability for the new year we need to have balance, rest, and restored strength for all that is to come. One way to do this is to identify your NEEDS and NON-NEGOTIABLES. This week I challenge you to take time to write down what you need for the upcoming year for balance and what non-negotiables or barriers you are going to put up to help keep you on track. Truly sit and journal this one out and make a list to help form personal guidelines of what is helping you elevate and what is no longer serving your elevation for 2023!
WEEK 2: Prepare for Tomorrow.Nothing is more stressful than being unprepared. This week I want you to focus on getting organized each night so you're ready for the next day, taking a few minutes to make a to-do list. Know what tasks are a must for the next day. Prep your snacks and lunch. Know what you’re preparing for dinner. Pack your workout clothes. Download your next meditation. Make a list of what needs to be accomplished at work. The next morning you'll have the sense that you're in control which sets a positive tone for the day and helps you move with focused intention through your day.
Week 3: Arm yourself with healthy snacks. Raise your hand if you've ever scooped your way to the bottom of an ice cream pint, went to town on a bag of M&M’s, or even reached for some frozen pizza when the going got tough (think: global pandemic, impending presentation at work, a recent breakup). Everyone? Sounds about right. After all, 27 percent of adults say they eat to manage stress and 34 percent of those report who overeat or jump on the junk food bandwagon when stressed say this behavior is a habit. This week our goal is to arm ourselves with healthy snacks. Spend some time today doing the prep work by going to the grocery store and bagging up snack-sized bags of nuts, grapes, carrot sticks, bell peppers; hard boil a few eggs; wrap some lunch meat around a cheese stick; pre-measure a scoop of protein shake you can add to a bottle of water…. whatever you need for a snack so you don’t find yourself binge eating on the go, hitting the nearest fast food drive-through lane, or making bad choices because your tank is on empty.
Week 4: Words, Mantras, and Positive Affirmations
Taking a moment to recite a word, mantra, or positive affirmation can create calmness, reframe your thinking, and achieve a new head space during your day. Concentrating on and repeating a sound, a word, or a statement allows for one point of focus which quiets the noise in the brain which can decrease stress, reduce anxiety, and reset your mood. This week I challenge you to take a break. Focus on a word, mantra, or positive affirmation. 2. Slow your breathing to a 4-count inhale and 4-count exhale for 1 minute. 3. If your mind wanders or negative thoughts intrude during this minute simply bring your attention back to your word, mantra, or affirmation. 4. Assess if you feel more empowered, calmed, or refocused. 5. Repeat this practice as much as you need!
Week 5: Decrease your Screen TimeThanks to smartphones, email, and countless other forms of technology, it can often feel like your job never truly ends. The increasingly blurry boundaries between work and home life leave you with less downtime than ever before (and in some cases, no downtime!). And then there's social media: Twitter and TikTok to Facebook and Instagram, the nearly incessant scrolling on these platforms has been shown to negatively impact mental health by becoming a significant source of stress — even more so, when devices or services don't work.That being said, throwing your phone out the window and taking a bat to your laptop isn't necessarily going to make matters better. (Although, let's be honest, smashing your device into a million little pieces after a particularly tough day might provide some stress relief in the moment.) To make technology work for you, screen calls with caller ID or, better yet, limit your cell phone and e-mail use to working hours only. Can't kick that Instagram or TikTok habit? Take advantage of your phone's screen time tool or the app's activity timer, both of which will help you curb the amount of time you spend scrolling aimlessly by sending reminders once you reach your chosen amount of time spent on the app.
Week 6: Focus on Your Senses and Fall AsleepFor a few minutes a day — whether during a workout or a mid-day break from your job — practice being mindful by focusing only on what's going on in the present. Try taking a short walk and instead of thinking about what's worrying you, pay attention to your senses: what do you see, feel, hear, taste, and smell? This can make a huge difference in your emotional, mental, and physical well-being when done daily.This is also a great tool when trying to calm your mind as you go to sleep.- Start by taking a deep breath in through your nose and exhale completely through your mouth.- Focus on what you hear, what you see (even with your eyes closed), what you smell, and what you taste.- Next scan your face. Starting at the top, slowly relax every muscle in your face including your tongue and cheeks. Make sure your jaw is unclenched.- Release the tension in your shoulders, arms, and hands as you sink into your bed and continue your deep breathing.- Relax your chest, back, and abdomen.- Let the tension leave your thighs, calves, ankles, and feet.- Now that your entire body is released of tension it’s time to do the same with your mind. Imagine yourself surrounded in complete darkness and slowly count your breaths as your chest relaxes every time you exhale and drift off to add sleep.
Week 7: Stretching
Want to relieve a little extra stress? Let’s stretch to help alleviate tension that has built up in your body. Note: Regular exercise can help you control your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, and strengthen your bones and muscles. But if it's been a while since you've exercised and you have health issues or concerns, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. Remember to always stay alert and in control of your movements to avoid injury. Correct form is extremely important. Move in and out of static stretches slowly and deliberately. Hold for a minimum of 30-60 seconds. If you feel excessive tension, pain, or pinching when you stretch, stop immediately.
1. Cat/Cow
While this is technically two moves, one is not often done without the other. Alternating between these several times in a row solidly links your breath to your movement and calms the mind. How to do it: Come to all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. As you inhale, look up and arch your spine, rolling your shoulders away from ears for cow. As you exhale, press the floor away with hands and knees, and round your spine. Do at least five complete breath cycles (five inhales/cats and five exhales/cows).
2a. Cobra
This pose helps increase flexibility in the spine and shoulders, improve posture, and alleviate back pain. How to do it: Start by lying on your stomach with your palms flat on the ground beside your shoulders. Slowly begin to press your palms into the ground, and lift your head and chest off the ground. Keep your shoulders down and back, and resist the temptation to arch your lower back.
2b. Sphinx (one step before Cobra if needed)
This pose is very similar to a cobra pose. However, instead of keeping your palms pressed to the ground and elbows in at your sides, bend your elbows and rest your forearms on the ground in front of you before expanding the chest.
3. Downward Dog
This pose opens both the hips and shoulders, two places that tighten when we're anxious and helps improve focus. It stretches the hamstring and calf muscles in the backs of the legs and builds strength in the shoulders. How to do it: Come to all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Next, tuck your toes against the mat or ground, using that leverage to extend your legs and lift both knees into the air. Your body should now resemble an upside-down “V” shape. Extend and lengthen your spine, pressing through the palms of your hands and balls of your feet, pulling your pelvis up toward the ceiling, while using the triceps in your upper arms to help stabilize your form.
4. Twist
Stretch your glutes and rotate your spine. How to do it: Lying on the ground, hug left knee into chest, "T" arms out to either side, and allow the left knee to fall to the right. You can stay with a neutral neck or, if it feels good, look to the left. You can also take your right hand to your left thigh to allow the weight of your hand to ground your twisted leg. Stay here for at least five deep breaths, and then repeat on the other side.
5. Legs Up on the Wall:
This position allows your nervous system to chill, reroutes circulation, grounds you, and brings you back to the present. How to do it: Sit sideways next to a wall and then lie down on the side, facing away from the wall with glutes touching it. Using your arms, lift your legs up the wall as you roll over onto your back. Allow arms to fall on either side of you. (Palms can face up for openness or face down for an extra level of grounding.) Stay here for at least five breaths or, if you feel good, as long as you like. Challenge yourself to stretch 4-5 days a week and see how your body feels. Consistency is key, so stick with it.
Week 8: JOMO JOMO: the joy of missing out. JOMO is feeling content with staying in and disconnecting as a form of self-care. Instead of experiencing FOMO - the fear of missing out, learn to be okay with being in the present moment and practicing active stillness.A new year can bring a sense of urgency to be better, to do more, to begin new habits, to meet new resolutions… and yet we also need to remember why we felt so crazed at the end of the past year just a mere 7 weeks ago. This is a time to be present, be intentional, and listen to our bodies, minds, and emotions. Retreat from the noise and reflect on the previous year. It is a gentle rhythm that allows us to cycle through the growth process; we do, reflect, revise, and repeat. This week I encourage you to retreat from your screen time or other activities that might distract you from true rest time; keep a notebook or journal for reflections, gratitude, and future ideas; go for walks in nature and take in fresh air; give your body enough physical rest and sleep at night; be intentional about setting goals and expectations remembering to resist the pressure of saying yes to everything. Be the curator of your life and slowly cut things out until you are only left with what you love, what is necessary, and what makes you happy.
Week 9: FEELING STUCKDo you ever just feel stuck? This month I have been listening to the audiobook "The Science of Stuck" by Brit Frank. I was recently on a book club call and I would love to share one of my take-aways….What is STUCK?Stuck can be defined as a "should have" moment. Most of us can relate to getting to the end of our day and saying something like: - I should have worked out - I should have eaten healthier - I should have worked later - I should have taken that walk - I should have cleaned the house - I should have looked for a new job - I should have….. Insert anything here.Being stuck in that space between knowing what you need to do and what you did or didn't do at that time. We normally do not do what we should have done because it is outside of our comfort zone, it stretches us, it is a change, it can be scary. But the best part is that every single day is another opportunity to get out of being stuck and to work on improving ourselves and our situations.This week choose one area you feel stuck and write down one thing, just one thing you can do to improve in that area. Don't paralyze yourself knowing you need to clean the entire house, start with one room. Don't worry about changing every aspect of your diet, start with cutting out sugar. Don't run the entire marathon, start with one mile. Our goal is to push through one area and take one step forward!
Week 10: Sweat It OutWorking out is one of the most effective stress relievers. For one, exercise boosts endorphins and other feel-happy hormones (cue Legally Blonde). Research also shows that working out in a group class setting — even if just for 30 minutes — can provide major stress relief. And the mental health benefits don't stop there: Breaking a sweat on the regular can also boost your mental toughness or resilience, increasing your capacity to handle challenges in the future. Can't hit the gym or class? Even a brisk 30-minute walk at lunch or getting up several times a day to stretch and walk around can be stress relievers.
Week 11: Permission to Get a MassageGetting a massage can work wonders on your muscles and your mind. In fact, multiple studies suggest that massage therapy is a powerful way to relieve stress, according to the Mayo Clinic. And while spas and health clubs are stereotypically associated with ultra-effective massages, you don't always have to book an hour-long appointment to reap the stress-relieving benefits. A 2020 study found that a 10-minute massage can be enough to help you overcome angst. Some specific conditions that massage can help include:AnxietyDepressionDigestive disordersFibromyalgiaHeadacheInsomniaNerve painPostoperative careScar tissueSoft tissue strains and injuriesSports injuriesTemporomandibular (TMJ) disorders
Physical benefits of massage include:Improved circulationDecreased muscle stiffnessDecreased joint inflammationBetter quality of sleepQuicker recovery between workoutsImproved flexibilityLess pain and sorenessStrengthened immune response
Mental benefitsMassage also has many mental health benefits. Even people who are focused on the physical benefits say they feel less stressed after getting a massage.Other mental benefits include:Lower stress levelsImproved relaxationImproved moodDecreased anxietyMore energyIncrease feeling of wellness
You can also treat yourself to a pedicure, manicure, or facial — all of which are nurturing, hands-on treatments that offer some of the mind-body benefits of massage!!
Week 12: Avoid negative self-talk.
We all have an inner critic. At times this little voice can be helpful and keep us motivated toward goals—like when it reminds us that what we're about to eat isn't healthy or what we're about to do may not be wise. However, this voice can often be more harmful than helpful, particularly when it gets into the realm of excessive negativity.
Negative self-talk is any inner dialogue you have with yourself that may be limiting your ability to believe in yourself and your abilities. It is any thought that diminishes your ability to make positive changes in your life or your confidence in yourself to do so.
2 of my favorite ways to decrease negative self-talk is:
1. Think Like a FriendWhen our inner critic is at its worst, it can sound like our worst enemy. Often we'll say things to ourselves in our heads that we'd never say to a friend. Why not reverse this and—when you catch yourself speaking negatively in your head—make it a point to imagine yourself saying this to a treasured friend.
2. Shift Your PerspectiveSometimes looking at things in the long term can help you to realize that you may be placing too great an emphasis on something. For example, you may ask yourself if something you're upset by will matter in five years or even one.
This week be mindful of how you talk to yourself!
We all have an inner critic. At times this little voice can be helpful and keep us motivated toward goals—like when it reminds us that what we're about to eat isn't healthy or what we're about to do may not be wise. However, this voice can often be more harmful than helpful, particularly when it gets into the realm of excessive negativity.
Negative self-talk is any inner dialogue you have with yourself that may be limiting your ability to believe in yourself and your abilities. It is any thought that diminishes your ability to make positive changes in your life or your confidence in yourself to do so.
2 of my favorite ways to decrease negative self-talk is:
1. Think Like a FriendWhen our inner critic is at its worst, it can sound like our worst enemy. Often we'll say things to ourselves in our heads that we'd never say to a friend. Why not reverse this and—when you catch yourself speaking negatively in your head—make it a point to imagine yourself saying this to a treasured friend.
2. Shift Your PerspectiveSometimes looking at things in the long term can help you to realize that you may be placing too great an emphasis on something. For example, you may ask yourself if something you're upset by will matter in five years or even one.
This week be mindful of how you talk to yourself!
Week 13: Take a Time OutWhen you're having a heck of a day — good or bad — checking out for 10-15 minutes is revitalizing. Find a place where you can be alone (and ditch the cell phone) — the attic, the bathroom, a quiet cafe, a big oak tree — and wipe the slate clean for a few minutes. Do whatever it is that relaxes you: Meditate, read a novel, or simply sip tea. It's crucial to take just a few minutes every day to de-stress. It's not how much time you are alone, but being consistent that's important.
Week 14: The Beauty of SimplicitySimplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo da Vinci. I’m going to keep this one very simple. 1. Make a list of every commitment and social obligation you have this week. 2. Simplify the list by crossing out anything that does not truly bring you joy or help you move towards achieving your most impactful goals. There is power in keeping it simple!!
Week 15: Your First MinuteNo one ever conquered their world without first, conquering the first minute of their day. • Do you rise and shine?• What’s the first thing crosses your mind when you wake up in the morning?• What’s the first thing you do when you get up from your bed?You might be wondering, “Why do I ask?”Because, if you want to improve your life, start with the first minute of your day!As the saying goes: “If you win the morning, you win the day!”Create a list of affirmations to read to yourself every morning of this week. At the end of the week, reflect on your experience.
Week 16: Cup Check ☕️If you feel empty….. Seek what fills you up. Have you ever heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”?Essentially, it means that for us as humans to effectively take care of others, we must first take care of ourselves. The notion is intuitive but can be more difficult to put into practice.It is not uncommon for clients to share that making the time or space to engage in self-care activities may even feel selfish, when their to-do list (e.g., preparing their kiddos’ lunches, laundry, transporting children to and from sports engagements, work obligations, taking care of a sick loved one) seems a mile long. However, self-care is not selfish ❤️ Self-care allows us to maintain balance and continue functioning like a well-oiled machine that increases our ability to help care for others. Just as you would not expect your car to run continuously for 5,000 miles without stopping for gas or having its oil changed, you too cannot expect that of yourself! Running on empty eventually leads to a machine that no longer functions.With this in mind, I’d like to invite you to take a moment to check in with yourself:• ☕️ How full is your cup? • ⛽️ Do you need to stop and fill up?• 🧘🏻What do you need in this moment? What activity or self-care behavior would help fill up your cup?• 🗓️ How can you regularly schedule checking in with yourself, and self-care practices, into your week?✅ Commit to a “cup check” at least 1 day this week. ✅ Make a list or mind map of 10 small things that make you happy and take the time to do at least one of those things every day this week.
Week 17: Focus on the process, not results. Become less connected to the outcome and more committed to the work. Fall in love with the process. Focus on doing your best and each step as opposed to just focusing on the end result.
Week 18: GoalsGoal setting is a simple process. Achieving your goal can be challenging unless you are clear on the outcome you want to achieve. Working towards a goal and achieving your goals can transform your life. The key to working towards a goal and achieving your goals is to make progress every day. When you feel like you’re making progress, momentum drives you forward.Setting goals for things that are important to you keep you excited and motivated every day. But remember, the path toward goal achievement is not always smooth. Setting measurable goals with a deadline helps you course-correct along the way.4️⃣ simple steps you can use to set your goals and work towards achieving your goals daily.✍🏻 1. Write your goal downWriting down your goal is the first step in working towards a goal. Many people struggle with goal setting. They have big aspirations in their minds but don’t write down the goals they want to achieve. Written-down goals become more powerful. When you write down your goals, you are clear on what achieving your goals looks like, and feels like. When writing down your goals, decide on a small number of goals you want to achieve. This narrows your focus and ensures you make confident progress in achieving your goals every day.🪜2. Break your goal downEvery time you set a goal, it’s important to understand the outcome you want to achieve. Once you know your desired outcome you can plan your first step.Big goals can be scary, so it’s important to break your goal down into bite-size chunks so the goal feels achievable. If you don’t lay out your first step and understand why that first step is important, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.Don’t have too many goals if you want to achieve your goal. I recommend setting 5️⃣ measurable goals every quarter. This number allows you to stay focused on goal achievement every day.Then, lay out a clear plan and path to achieve your goals that include monthly goals and weekly goals. This gives you the framework to help you work towards your goal achievement daily.📈 3. Review your goalsWorking towards a goal daily is a great process. It is also important to review your performance. When you review your performance, you may find you’re doing well on some goals and less well on others.You may find you have a ways to go on some goals, but you’re close to completing other goals. The good thing about checking in on progress every week, month, and quarter is that you can change up your goals.You may decide to give yourself more time to work towards a goal and amend the measurement for a goal. You can also decide to stop working towards a goal.Remember, it’s fine to change course on your goals or change goals completely if life calls for that.You may decide to set different goals for the next quarter than you originally set. Reviewing and amending your goals ensures you always have a sense of forward motion. Making progress is a big part of happiness.🎉 4. Celebrate your goal achievementThe reason we start working towards a goal in the first place is that achieving that goal is important to us. But, for many people, achieving a goal is something they set out to do. They don’t take the time to celebrate achieving their goals.Celebrating goal achievement is essential to build motivation and self-confidence. When you take the time to look at and celebrate what you’ve achieved you feel much happier.This feeling is also the launchpad for setting even bigger and better goals for the future. Always take a moment to celebrate achieving a goal, however big or small it may be.
Week 19: Stay on Course
If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start today by lifting stones.- African proverb.
Stay on course with your biggest goal this week, by breaking it down into steps, assigning time frames, and writing them into your weekly schedule.
If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start today by lifting stones.- African proverb.
Stay on course with your biggest goal this week, by breaking it down into steps, assigning time frames, and writing them into your weekly schedule.
Week 20: Learning to Say NO
Learning how to say “no” is the key to maximizing your productivity. Evaluate your priorities and say no to things that will move you away from reaching your goals.
Week 21: Make it a Habit
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle
Make it a habit to exercise daily, even if it is only for 30 minutes. Exercising boosts energy, improves your mood, and motivates you to be more productive throughout your day!!!
Week 22: Movement is Key
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. ~ AristotleMake it a habit to exercise daily, even if it is only for 30 minutes. Exercising boosts energy, improves your mood, and motivates you to be more productive throughout your day. Need a challenge? MILES • In the 100 Mile Challenge we challenge you to run or walk 100 miles in 1 month!!! (You can also bike it on a 1:3 foot-to-wheel ratio, which means 300 bike miles) • You can complete these miles on your own or as a team of 2. Come up with a fun team name and share the fun!• The miles must be “intentional miles” meaning you intended to log them for this challenge. Your casual daily steps do not count. • EVERYONE is welcome to join this challenge so feel free to invite your friends and share this post. • There is no cost to participate, just a desire to log some miles and be awesome! • Text “100 Miles” to Jennie at 618-409-1738 and I will get you signed up with the accountability!!!• You will be responsible for logging your miles. Text when you reach 25, 50, 75, and 100 miles so we can celebrate your progress. • At the end of the challenge every person and team that completes all 100 miles is invited to come into the gym and sign our “100 MILE CLUB” wall. You’ve got this!!!The challenge starts Monday! Happy Moving!!!Jennie
Week 23: Learn Something New
Learning never exhausts the mind~ Leonardo da Vinci
Learn something new this week. Whether it be reading a new book or listening to a podcast, find interest in something outside of your normal routine.
Learning never exhausts the mind~ Leonardo da Vinci
Learn something new this week. Whether it be reading a new book or listening to a podcast, find interest in something outside of your normal routine.
_______________________________Week 24: Make a Mind Map
Make a mind map of 5 things you want to improve on. What concrete steps do you need to take to achieve these things? How to make a mind map….* Start in the middle of your paper and write your topic, and circle it.* Then, without thinking too hard or deeply – start branching out.* Add categories and sub-categories as you go, mapping everything out.* Use the page freely – it doesn’t have to be perfectly neat and tidy!* Don’t worry too much about putting things in the exact correct position – as you go on, patterns will begin to emerge and sequential thoughts will become apparent.* You can erase and adjust lines and bubbles as you go. The most important thing is that if you have a thought in your mind related to your topic, be sure to write it down somewhere on the map so that it’s not crowding your mind anymore.Every mind map is unique, but each one starts in the center and radiates out like the branches of a tree. If you feel like you have more than one central topic on your mind, feel free to do more than one map!
Week 25: Strengths vs Weaknesses
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.~ Aristotle
Make a list or a mind map of your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on how your strengths have helped you succeed and how you can improve on your weaknesses so they do not hinder your growth.
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.~ Aristotle
Make a list or a mind map of your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on how your strengths have helped you succeed and how you can improve on your weaknesses so they do not hinder your growth.
Week 26: Be Present
Don’t be so preoccupied with showing up that you failed to be present. Challenge yourself to be completely present in the moment. Put away your phone, be more attentive to your surroundings, and immerse yourself in the company of those around you.
Don’t be so preoccupied with showing up that you failed to be present. Challenge yourself to be completely present in the moment. Put away your phone, be more attentive to your surroundings, and immerse yourself in the company of those around you.
Week 27: Mid-Year Check-In
It’s time to review your goals from the beginning of the year and evaluate how it’s going. Start by checking off all the goals you’ve completed and write in other milestones you’ve achieved since January 1. Next, reflect on how your goals have evolved along the way and revise them as necessary. Remember to challenge yourself outside of your comfort zone. Here’s to having a great next 1/2 of this year!!!!
Before diving into the best foods to maximize your workout, you must understand why pre-workout fueling is important. First, exercise requires energy. The only way your body can generate energy for exercise is by breaking down stored energy that comes from the food we eat or from storage sources (body fat, muscle, and liver glycogen). However, the availability of “energy” from storage is limited and can take time to be metabolized into ATP, or energy, during your workout. Have you ever felt a little sluggish at the beginning of your workout? Does it take time to “kickstart” your system? Well, if you haven’t consumed any food before you train then it’s likely because your body needs time to be able to break down stored energy to power your workout. Where’s that stored energy coming from?Your body always has free ATP or energy flowing in your blood that is available for immediate use, and that can supply you with energy for a few seconds. After that is used up, you have your phosphocreatine system, however, that will only last about 10-15 seconds. Lastly, you have your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems which can last anywhere from 2 minutes to a few hours depending on the fuel being utilized.
FUEL UP TO LEVEL UPSo, if you don’t eat before you train, what is being broken down for energy? First, stored glycogen or carbohydrates are going to be broken down by your muscles and liver. This is called glycogenolysis and this is the fastest method and pathway to generate ATP. This is also the only pathway that can generate energy at high exercise intensities. At lower intensities, your body can begin to oxidize fatty acids for energy (which comes from stored fat), however, this process can take a long time. So, why is it important to eat before you train? For starters, you are supplying your body with immediate energy to give you more strength, provide you with more focus, and prevent early fatigue and even injury during your session. Consuming a pre-workout meal or snack is all about boosting PERFORMANCE. Research shows that even something as small as 30-60g of carbohydrates 30-60 minutes before training can prevent early fatigue and increase time to exhaustion. So which foods are most ideal for pre-workout meals? If we think about energy systems, carbohydrates are the main fuel to power ALL of our energy systems (regardless of exercise intensity). Carbohydrates can be digested and absorbed in as little as 15 minutes, supplying your muscles with immediate and available energy.Fats can also supply your body with energy. However, fats tend to be utilized at lower intensities because they take much longer to be digested and absorbed.
WHAT KIND OF PRE-WORKOUT FOOD SHOULD YOU EAT?Protein does not directly influence exercise performance or provide the body with “energy” for exercise. A weird concept, but it is true. Consuming protein before a workout isn’t going to allow you to train longer or harder. However, it can delay soreness, provide the body with extra recovery, and prevent excessive muscle breakdown, which is never a bad thing!
What should your top go-to pre-workout meals/snacks be?
1. Oatmeal/overnight oats with fruit, honey, & dark chocolateOatmeal is a rich complex carbohydrate that the body can digest easily and can sustain energy levels for quite some time! Through different fruits and honey into the mix and now you’re maximizing carbohydrate absorption since different types of carbs absorb through different transporters.For example, glucose and fructose are absorbed via different transporters in the gut, allowing for maximal carbohydrate absorption. Dark chocolate is a great addition because it is rich in magnesium. An important electrolyte/mineral is lost in sweat and is needed for muscle contractions.
2. Greek yogurt bowl with granola Protein is never bad to consume regardless of the time of day. Before a workout, consuming protein can boost the recovery process and prevent excessive muscle breakdown. An additional plus to consuming protein as a pre-workout snack? It makes the need to consume protein immediately after your workout not as important. However, protein doesn’t provide us with the energy we are looking for during exercise… so you must throw in some rich carbohydrates like granola and fruit to get the boost you need!
3. Sweet potatoesSweet potato is an extremely rich complex carb. While it takes a little longer to digest than a white potato, the fiber component and slow release of energy into your system provide you with sustained levels so you won’t fizzle out too quickly.
4. Avocado toast Avocado is an excellent healthy fat selection and is high in potassium. Another important electrolyte is lost in sweat and is needed for muscle contraction and normal fluid balance. Combining fats with a carbohydrate also helps slow the release of energy into your system so you can have more sustained levels over a long period.
5. Sushi (but not the fried kind)Sushi is the perfect combination of something “light” that has protein, carbohydrates, electrolytes, and healthy fat! Protein to prevent muscle breakdown, carbohydrates and fats for energy, and sodium (from soy sauce) to help with your hydration levels. While the effects are not significant if you’re performing low-intensity exercise or sessions under 45 minutes, a lack of proper nutrients before exercise can put you in a very catabolic state. Catabolism refers to the process of breaking down bigger molecules into smaller molecules.
Regarding exercise, when you don’t have adequate fuel in your system your body begins to break down your muscles and stored energy sources for energy. Major risks associated can include low blood sugar and increased risk for dehydration. When you mix those two phenomena together you are increasing the risk of injury and illness, especially if you are not focusing on proper post-workout nutrition.
SUMMARYShould you consume a pre-workout snack? The answer is always YES. Your guidelines for pre-workout fueling are as follows: 1. Make sure you have consumed a pre-workout meal or snack within 3 hours of exercise. 2. The best window to maximize performance is consuming a carbohydrate-rich snack + protein 30-60 minutes before exercise.3. At a minimum your pre-workout snack should contain 30-60g of carbohydrates. For more advanced calculations you should roughly aim for 1g/kg of carbohydrates 60 minutes before training if you’re an advanced, active athlete or individual. 4. If choosing to add protein to your pre-workout snack aim for 10-15g of protein. 5. Carbohydrate-rich snacks are best for high-intensity sessions, while the addition of fats is better for low-intensity sessions. Remember, strategic fueling can only help you… never hurt you!
BEST POST-WORKOUT MEALS* Fruit smoothie made with a variety of frozen/fresh fruit and low-fat milk/yogurt, and possibly protein powder (depending on needs)* Energy bar containing 15-20 grams of protein, with 100% fruit or vegetable juice* Whole-grain bagel or English muffin topped with peanut butter and banana, with 100% fruit or vegetable juice* Whole-grain pasta or cheese ravioli and tomato-based sauce, with whole-grain bread, steamed vegetables, low-fat/nonfat milk, and fruit* Grilled chicken sandwich on whole-grain bread, with cottage cheese and a baked sweet potato* Baked or grilled lean beef, chicken, turkey or fish, with steamed brown rice, a whole-grain dinner roll, cooked greens, low-fat yogurt and fruit
A good way to start recovery is to consume a snack with carbohydrates and a moderate amount of protein, plus fluids and sodium, within 30 minutes after exercise. If you have no appetite post-exercise, a recovery beverage may be a good option.Cool down, chow down: Don't skimp on food and fluids after a workout.To recover quickly and completely, your body needs healthy fuel like the choices shown here-beginning within 30 minutes of your session's end.
Week 29: Get off Your Bum and Avoid Sitting
If you spend most days sitting at a desk or most evenings parked on your couch, you're not alone. A recent study estimates that American adults now spend an average of 6.5 hours a day sitting.While no one is denying the importance of rest, too much rest isn't a good thing. In fact, research has shown that the more time a person spends sitting, the higher the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain cancers and earlier death.What can you do to minimize your sitting time?
Here are a 5 ideas:
1. Take a break from sitting every 30 minutes. Get up to get a glass of water, take out the trash, or do some squats or simple stretches. These breaks are also important during long car rides and plane trips. Set an alarm if this helps you stay aware of the time.
2. Stand during routine tasks. Take a walk while talking on the phone or stand during your favorite television show
3. Try a standing desk. If you use a desk at home or work, consider switching to a version that allows you to change between standing and sitting . You can also improvise with a high table or counter. Treadmill desks, which add in physical activity, are another option.
4. Take your meetings on the go. Whether chatting with co-workers or meeting friends for a coffee date , suggest taking a walk while you talk .
5. Invest in a fitness monitor. These devices can alert you when you've spent too much time without moving. Setting a daily step count goal can also motivate you to get up and move .
Elevate Week 30: Pause
The pause between thoughts, words, and actions is wisdom. When facing challenges remember you have the power to pause and focus on what you can control. Instead of instantly reacting, and possibly overreacting, practice taking a deep breath and pausing to reflect before responding or acting. This week:Pause and ask yourself “Does this action support my health and wellness goal?” (Think in terms of how you are taking care of your health, eating healthy food, and exercising daily)
Elevate Week 31: The 4 Agreements
The 4 Agreements1. Be impeccable with your words2. Don’t take anything personally 3. Don’t make assumptions4. Always do your best - Don Miguel RuizChoose 1 of the 4 agreements to practice this week. Post it so you see it every day. At the end of the week, reflect on your experience.
Elevate Week 32: Self-Love Isn’t Selfish
Dedicate at least 30 Minutes of each day this week towards practicing self-love and care. All too often, we get so lost in our daily responsibilities that we forget to prioritize ourselves. YOU MATTER
WHY IT’S IMPORTANT AND 7 WAYS YOU CAN DO THAT EVERY DAYLet’s face it, we’re all awesome people who do awesome things on the regular. So why does it feel so difficult to recognize that and celebrate it? Even if it does become a habit and we’re often hitting the target on our goals, we should be regularly celebrating our wins! Just like you have no problem complimenting others on their achievements, we’re going to get you to a place where you make celebrating your wins a daily habit, and understand why that’s important!
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO CELEBRATE OUR WINS?Seemingly self-explanatory, celebrating our wins means taking the time to pat ourselves on the back for achieving something. Whether it’s a large goal we’ve set out for ourselves or a small task we weren’t sure we had in the bag, celebrating our wins means recognizing our triumphant moment and taking time to give ourselves credit!
SIZE DOESN’T MATTERLike I said, whether it’s you completing something seemingly mundane (ie. making yourself a healthy meal, going to the gym, tending to your budget, etc.) or something larger scale, you should be celebrating regardless. Appreciating your willingness and dedication to working on bettering yourself and achieving your goals is always something that should be recognized!
WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR BRAINSWhen we start to celebrate our wins regularly, two things happen to our brains! When we praise ourselves for achieving our goals, no matter the size, we activate the reward center in our brains. This releases dopamine in the brain, which makes us feel good – in turn, makes us want to do the same thing again to get the same effect The second thing that happens is that when you repeatedly celebrate your wins, you start to train your brain to search for positives. This creates the habit of rewarding yourself, and your brain will be heightened to see positive things in your everyday life!
WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR GOALSWhen you’re at a sporting event do you only cheer when they win? When you’re at a concert do you only clap after it’s over? NO! You cheer the whole dang time. You get loud, motivational, and emotionally invested. So why don’t you treat the journey to achieving your goals the same way?Celebrating wins along the way helps us stay motivated and on track to achieving our goals. Much like what happens to our brains, when we activate the reward circuits in our brains, we encourage ourselves to go further and seek out more accomplishment. This in turn helps us to achieve our goals more easily!
THE LAST BIG WHYWhy shouldn’t you be celebrating your wins? Why are you depriving yourself of the love, celebration and praise you deserve? The truth is, you’re likely working very hard to achieve these goals, and aren’t giving yourself enough credit. Think about all of the times you’ve complimented someone for something seemingly small, and start to do the same thing towards yourself. You owe yourself the love and praise you easily shower on other people!
7 WAYS YOU CAN MAKE CELEBRATING YOUR WINS A PART OF YOUR DAYNow that we know why it’s so important to celebrate our wins, we can start to make it a daily habit! Here are 7 easy ways you can make celebrating your wins a daily habit:1. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR WINSThe first step to celebrating your wins is acknowledging them! Take inventory of the tasks you’re doing throughout the day, and acknowledge your wins as they’re happening! Remember, the size of the win doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re achieving and completing tasks that will get you closer to being a better version of yourself, and get you that much closer to achieving that big goal!2. WRITE THEM DOWNNot only is it important to acknowledge your wins, but writing them down does you an even greater world of good! Writing down your wins is a great way to build further confidence, track your wins, and create a law of attraction effect on your goals (the more you win, the more you write down and acknowledge, the more you receive)! 3. PAY ATTENTION TO FEELINGSHow do you feel when you accomplish something? Do you feel excited? Proud? Hungry for more? Tap into those feelings and use them to harness more energy towards achieving your goals. If you don’t seem to be feeling as elated as you thought you would, maybe there’s something about that particular goal that doesn’t excite you, it may be time to change that goal!4. PRACTICE GRATITUDEPracticing gratitude is the act of being appreciative for the things that you already have, so why not appreciate how far you’ve come in each of your goals? Taking the time to appreciate and be grateful for your wins cultivates a positive mindset, which in turn allows more great things to come to you. Cultivate the atmosphere you want to live in – if you want amazing things to happen to you, allow yourself to praise and be accepting of these amazing things.5. REWARD YOURSELFYou don’t need to wait until you’ve completed the end goal to reward yourself, you can start doing that along the way! Whether it’s a monetary/materialistic reward or something you do for yourself (ie. afternoon off, bubble bath, massage, favorite meal, etc.), make a point of giving yourself small rewards along the way so that you give yourself the recognition you deserve, and have the motivation to keep going! Remember, there’s nothing wrong with rewarding yourself!6. SHARE ITPick a designated friend or loved one to share your goal updates with! If you have someone who’s working towards something similar, you can trade triumphs and continue to motivate each other! Sharing your wins is a great way to recognize yourself and your accomplishments, as well as allow others to do the same!7. BE EXCITEDYeah that thing you did? YOU did that. You deserve all of the credit in the world. There’s no reason why you’re not deserving of the praise and credit that comes from achieving a small win or goal. Your brain favors finding the negative in everything – as a problem to fix. Rewrite that narrative as you get into the habit of getting excited about your goals, and getting excited every time you get one step closer to achieving them!
Week 34 - Live in the NowToo often, we worry about the future or regret something that we have done in the past. This week, focus your time and energy on things you can control in the present moment.
Elevate Week 35: Progress over PerfectionStrive for progress, not perfection. Each day is a stepping stone toward your end goal. Some days will be harder than others but keep pushing through. Fall in love with the process. Be patient, work hard, and remember that rest is also productive.
Elevate Week 36: Laugh EverydayThe secret to longevity is Laughter! It’s fun to share a good laugh, but did you know it can improve your health? It’s true: laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner.With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.Get together with friends and family that make you laugh. Reduce your stress by recognizing the humor in your everyday life. Throughout this week, write down moments that make you laugh. Revisit them at the end of the week and relive these moments.
Week 37: Declare Your Vibevibe [vīb]NOUNa person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by other synonyms:ambience · aura · climate · air · mood · feel · feeling · characterWhat is YOUR vibe? Create a positive positive!!! For example:The next chapter of my life is called "Healthy & Happy," and that’s the vibe from this day forward!!!
Week 38: To-Do’s vs. To-Don’tsSometimes you need a “STOP DOING” list as much as you need a “TO DO” list. What are your top 3 in each list?2 of my personal don’ts and do’s!!!1. Don’t buy sugar snacks. If it’s in the house, you’ll find an excuse to eat them. 2. Food prep Sunday. If you’re prepared for the week and the unforeseen obstacles, you’ll be ready for it!!!
Week 39: Fall in Love with Your Life wake up early stretch connect with your mind be kind to yourself in the mirror wear the outfit that makes you feel good get that coffee go for the walk spend time working on your passion move your body eat your favorite food practice positive self talk read your book in the park under a tree tell someone you love them show yourself gratitude
Week 40: You areRemember YOU are someone's favorite person. The way you laugh. Your kind heart. Your sense of humor.The way you make problems melt away with a loving hug or a shoulder to cry on. And it's tough to remember that sometimes. But it is true. You are appreciated for simply being YOU.
Week 41: Things to Quit5 THINGS TO QUIT RIGHT NOW1. Trying to please everyone.2. Fearing change.3. Living in the past.4. Putting yourself down.5. Overthinking.
Week 42: After 7 PM - Part 1 of 5Do These 5 Things After 7 PM and Your Life Will Never Be The Same:REFLECT by answering these 3 simple questions:1. What happened today that I'm grateful for?2. Which actions moved me towards my goals?3. Are there any changes I can make to better myself tomorrow?I love these questions because they strike a balance between gratitude and self-improvement.
Week 43: After 7 PM - Part 2 of 5Disconnect! Imagine trying to park a car that's going 70 mph. That's essentially what you're doing when you hammer your brain with work and TikTok videos right until the moment you go to bed.Take time to slow down before you turn in for bed. Turn off your phone.Stop texting. Get off the computer.Let the car slow down.
44: After 7 PM - Part 3/5Plan for tomorrow. A productive day starts the night before. The simple act of writing down your 3 biggest to-do list items can create massive momentum for the day ahead.
Week 45: After 7 PM - Part 4/5Breathe. You take 20,000 breaths per day, you might as well make a few of them count.Try the 4-7-8 Technique:Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and slowly exhale for 8 seconds.This is one of the best ways to kill stress before bed.
Week 46: After 7 PM - Part 5/5Read Reading is the best way I've found to slow down my mind before bed.If non-fiction is too stimulating, try fiction.It can be a big adjustment at first.But it's one of the best habits you'll ever build.
Week 47: You can’t outrun your fork!If you think you can exercise your way to weight loss, I am sorry to say you are in for some disappointment.Using exercise to lose weight without changing your diet is asking for frustration. You can change your diet and lose weight, but if you exercise and keep your diet the same, you may gain some muscle, improve endurance, and be healthier overall, but you might not shed many pounds.Combining a whole, unprocessed diet with the right exercise does wonders for your health. But also hear me when I say “exercise is important!”Here are just a few reasons why exercise is extremely important to our overall health:• Better insulin sensitivity.• Reduced stress.• Improved brain health.• Reduced risk for chronic disease.• Enhanced detoxification.• Slowed aging process.
Week 48: Avoid SugarTry to limit or altogether avoid sugar and other foods that spike blood sugar and insulin, such as flour, refined starches, and carbohydrates. Treat sugar in any form as an occasional treat.Your body can't tell the difference between a bagel and a bowl of sugar once it gets below your neck. Liquid sugar calories (from soda, energy drinks, sweetened teas, even fruit juice, etc.) cause increased hunger, obesity, and death. During this holiday season try to limit where you can with the occasional splurges at special events.
Week 49: Breakdowns and Breakthroughs Breakdowns can create breakthroughs. Things fall apart so things can fall together. Reflect on a time when you faced a difficult challenge. How did you come out of that situation stronger? What did you learn about yourself? Recognize all the ways in which you have grown from your breakthroughs and celebrate your progress.
Week 50: Remember to LaughThe secret to longevity is Laughter! It’s fun to share a good laugh, but did you know it can improve your health? It’s true: laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner.With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.Get together with friends and family that make you laugh. Reduce your stress by recognizing the humor in your everyday life. Throughout this week, write down moments that make you laugh. Revisit them at the end of the week and relive these moments.
Elevate Week 51: Remember to BreatheMost of us hold our breath often or breathe shallow anxious breaths. But did you know that deep, slow, full breaths have a profound effect on resetting the stress response?This is because the relaxation nerve (vagus nerve) goes through your diaphragm and is activated with every deep breath. Here’s a simple practice that you can incorporate a few times a day, and it only takes minutes. I encourage you to do it right now if possible.Take 5 Breathing Technique:- Sit on a chair, propped up on pillows in your bed, or cross-legged on a cushion on the floor.- Close your eyes and your mouth.- Breathe in slowly through your nose to the count of five. Hold to the count of five and then slowly breathe out to the count of five.- Do this 5 times. That’s it. This is a super simple and effective way to calm your body down and find a moment of pause in your busy day.
Elevate Week 52: Revisit. Revise. Readjust. May you have the courage this next year to break patterns in your life that no longer serve you. Give yourself permission during this time to pause and reflect on the past year and always remember, taking care of yourself doesn't mean "me first;" it means "me too."